Welcome to BuildingPoint SouthEast’s Knowledge Base. Explore videos, training collateral, technical documents, and Trimble learning resources to get the most out of your equipment. Being a fast-paced industry, our Knowledge Base will help you stay ahead of the curve as the technology evolves.
Knowledge Base
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How to Connect a Tablet to the RPT600
Walks through table connection, auto-locate cat eye targets as well as auto level
Cement Masons Use Scanning to Judge SuperFlat Pour
X7 laser scanner used for floor flatness and levelness for FF and FL numbers against the dipstick method
How to Fix Concrete While it's Wet with a Laser Scanner
Using the X7 and FieldLink scan module to find high and low areas as well as levelness and flatness
QAQC of Concrete in the Field Using Laser Scanning
Align scans to models, check rebar clearances, concrete depth, and sleeve locations
FieldLink Manually Aligning Scans to a Model
Reference scan data to model data by dragging it into place
FieldLink Automatically Aligning Scans to a Model
Georeference scan data to model data by doing a resection with control points
Trimble X7 Scanner Super Flat Floor Scan and Analysis
Point Cloud FF/FL
Trimble X7 Scanner and FieldLink Software Exporting Point Cloud
Trimble Cloud Engine Sharing Scan Data Through the Web Using Microsoft Azure
Point Cloud AutoDesk
Important Updates to Trimble FieldLink
Robotic Total Stations X7 Scanner SPS986 Ri RPT 600
Trimble FieldLink Software How to Update and Install FieldLink using the Trimble Installation Manager
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri T100 T10 Kenai
Trimble FieldLink MORE Menu Overview
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink Navigation Zipper Menu
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink Map Option Zipper Menu
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink Measuring Tools Menu
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink CREATE Menu
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink DEVICE Menu and Prism Settings
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink MEASURE Menu
Robotic Total Station RTS X7 Scanner SPS986 RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink Prism and Laser Layout
Robotic Total Station RTS RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink Setup With Only 2 Control Points
Robotic Total Station RTS RPT 600 Ri X7 Scanner Resection Unknown Station Setup
Trimble FieldLink Component Based Setup
Robotic Total Station RTS RPT 600 Ri
Trimble FieldLink Exporting Point Data
Robotic Total Station RTS RPT 600 Ri CSV DWG
Trimble FieldLink Reports
Robotic Total Station RTS RPT 600 Ri Daily Layout Summary Layout Deviations Field Report

Trimble FieldLink TFLX Project User Guide
Robotic Total Station RTS RPT 600 Ri X7 Scanner Connect version 6.3 and 6.4
Trimble Connect Working with TFLX Project Files
Robotic Total Station RTS RPT 600 Ri X7 Scanner FieldLink
Trimble Connect Navisworks, Clipping, Point Cloud and AR Workflows
FieldLink X7 Scanner XR10 Hololens Autodesk
FieldLink MR Interview with Jung-BIM Services
"With FieldLink MR we are faster, need fewer people, and of course, we have more fun!"
What's New in Trimble Realworks v12.3.3
3D Scanning, Point Clouds, 3D Modeling, Cloud Based Registration, New Send to Revit feature

FieldLink Ghost Folder Fix
Trimble RTS, Robotic Total Station, X7 3D Scanner, SPS986, RPT600, Ri, T100, T10 Tablet, Robotics
Trimble X7 Scanner with FieldLink for Aggregate and Formwork Inspection
3D Laser Scanning Floor Flatness Analysis FF FL
Trimble X7 Scanner Wet Concrete Flatness Analysis
Floor FF FL FieldLink Office 3D Laser Scanning
Trimble X7 No Data Setup & Elevation Heat Map
3D Laser Scanner FieldLink Office Floor Flatness Analysis FF FL
Wet Concrete Scanning with Trimble X7 Laser Scanner
3D Point Cloud FieldLink Office Floor Flatness Analysis FF FL
ADA Ramp Scan to Spec with Trimble X7 Laser Scanner
3D Scanning Floor Flatness FF FL FieldLink Office Scan to Model Comparison
How Realworks Can Help to Streamline Your X7 Scan Data Workflow
X7 3D laser scanner, Trimble FieldLink Office, Point Cloud
Scan to Tekla, Forget the Tape Measure
Trimble X7 scanner 3D Scanning BIM FieldLink Office
Trimble Realworks - Intro to Pipe Modeling in Version 12
3D Scanning X7 MEP Point Cloud
Trimble Realworks - Creating a Mesh from a Point Cloud Object
3D Scanning X7 MEP, Revit, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Tekla
Trimble Realworks - Steel 3D Modeling
X7 Scanning Point Cloud Revit AutoCAD Sketchup Tekla

Trimble Robotic Total Station - How Much Accuracy is Enough?
FieldLink Office Point Field Layout RTS

Trimble License Manager Quick Start Guide
FieldLink Office Field Points Realworks Connect Subscription RTS X7
Logging into FieldLink with Your Trimble ID
Subscription Office T100 T10 Tablet X7 3D Scanner RTS Robotic Total Station
Subscription - Assigning Licenses to Users
FieldLink Office Realworks Field Points Connect Scan Site Module T100 T10 License Manager Admin Administrator Users
Activating Your Trimble Subscription Licenses
FieldLink Office Field Points for AutoCAD and Revit RTS Robotic Total Station X7 3D Scanning Scan Module Connect Realworks
How to Add New Users for Your Subscription License Administrator
Trimble FieldLink, FieldLink Office, Field Points for AutoCAD and Revit, Connect, Realworks
Creating a Trimble ID
FieldLink Office Realworks Field Points T100 T10 License Manager Admin Administrator Users Subscription

Trimble Robotic Total Station Calibration Procedures
RTS Field Calibration Collimation
AprilTag Workflows with Trimble Ri
Automatic Station Positioning Autostationing Setup Resectioning QR Codes Targets Control Points FieldLink v6.6

AprilTag Workflows with Trimble Ri
Automatic Station Positioning Autostationing Setup Resectioning Printing QR Codes Targets Control Points FieldLink v6.6
Coordinate System Geodetic Databases for GNSS
Automatic Positioning Alignment No Data Setup Resectioning Control Points FieldLink v6.6 SPS986
Area Scan with Trimble X7
Isolate Window Slice Section FieldLink Module v6.6
Introduction to GNSS for Building Construction
Accuracy Expectations Best Practices Control Network Coordinate Systems
HP SitePrint Skanska Testimonial
Skanska sees huge savings with autonomous robotic layout
HP SitePrint PCL Testimonial
PCL Construction reduces costs while improving productivity and efficiency
X7/X9 Scanning: Floor Flatness and Levelness Deep Dive Comparison to D-Meter
Using FieldLink to show how FF FL reports can meet the ASTM E1155 standard
Drones for Construction - The Latest from DJI
Features and functionalities of the Mavic 3 Series
HP SitePrint Early Development
See what the product looked like in its early days of development!
HP SitePrint In Action
Automated Robotic Printing Layout with Total Station Accuracy
CrewSight Workforce Management Software Webinar
Managing jobsite access control/authorized entry for improved site safety
Live Layout Tracking with FieldLink and Trimble Connect
Use TFLX files to share layout status with everyone on the web
HP SitePrint L5 Drywall Testimonial
L5 Drywall shaves weeks off their schedule while maintaining tight layout accuracy.